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Algorithm 1 Algorithm for Adaptive Histogram
for every pixel i (with grey level l) in image do
Initialize array Hist to zero
for every contextual pixel j do
Hist[g(j)] = Hist[g(j)] + 1
end for
Sum: CHist
= CHist
⇤ L/W
end for
Algorithm 2 Sketch of the Watershed Algorithm
1) A set of markers, pixels where the flooding
shall start, are chosen. Each is given a differ-
ent label.
2) The neighboring pixels of each marked area
are inserted into a priority queue with a pri-
ority level corresponding to the gray level of
the pixel.
3) The pixel with the highest priority level is
extracted from the priority queue. If the neigh-
bors of the extracted pixel that have already
been labeled all have the same label, then
the pixel is labeled with their label. All non-
marked neighbors that are not yet in the
priority queue are put into the priority queue.
4) Redo step 3 until the priority queue is empty.
Cole Diamond
I am a Master's student in IACS. I did my undergrad at Columbia in Computer Science.